26 August, 2010

Custard Cream Puff with Crème Diplomate

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I) Choux Pastry (Recipe I is extract from: Alex Goh baking class)


100g butter
250ml water
1/2 tsp sugar
Pinch of salt

150gm flour

3 Eggs (May not use all)


Cook (A) until boil. Add in (B) and mix to form a smooth paste. Put the paste into the mixer and beat until lukewarm. Add in (C) in several times. Beat it until well blended and smooth. The batter is ready if a finger scrape through and it should combine back slowly.

Place the batter into the piping bag fitted with plain or star nozzle. Pipe it onto a greased pan. Spray water on the batter before placing them in the oven. Bake at 200 decC for 20 - 25 mintues.

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II) Custard Base (Yield 650g):

Step 1


Vanilla Pod ½ pc
Milk 500cc
Egg Yolk 6
Custard Sugar 150g
Cake Flour 50g (sieved)


Slice open and scrape seeds fm vanilla pod, add them into milk together with the pod, bring milk to almost boiling point (A). In another bowl, whip egg yolk and sugar until light and pale (B). Add A into B gradually, stir well in the process until it is well mixed.

Pour the mixture into a heavy sauce pan and heat with medium fire. It is important to keep stirring it to avoid burning it* . The custard is ready if the mixture falls from the whisk smoothly and the you could hear the bubbling sound.

Pour the mixture onto thin pan, cover with clink film then pour ice on top. This process should helped prevent “skin’ forming on the custard and seal up the air within the custard. The custard should have longer shelf life in fridge. After cool, it should be easily and neatly removed from the the pan. If its become sticky, means the custard is not thoroughly heated. Use them asap if this happen.

Step 2

Take 400gm of Custard base, mixed with 200gm whipped fresh cream, (I used 35% fat non sweeten fresh cream) and mixed well. You’ll have a delicious custard cream (Crème Diplomate).

*If the mixture is burned, remove the batter fm the sauce pan immediately into a microwavable container. Do not scrape any burn particle or the burning smell remains in the custard. Heat the batter with 700w for 40 sec, then give it a good stir. Do this for couple of time until the mixture falls smoothly fm the whisk.
Note: the proportion of Custard base and cream should be 2:1 or 1:1

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