This is one of the most famous/popular dishes in Singapore. All friends from overseas must try out this dish.
My brother Alan came to Singpaore two weeks ago and his friend brought him to Long Bridge @ East Coast to feast on the crab. Highly disappointed, he commented that the standard there had dropped. It was fantastic a few years back when he ate there. Seems like the chef just steamed or boiled the crabs and simply pour the black pepper gravy and serve. The crab was so watery and tasteless.
With that craving for good, tasty black pepper crabs still lingering in his mind, the very next day he proceeded to a supermarket and purchased 2 crabs and a bottle of black pepper sauce. He said he could cook it better than Long Bridge - You guys working there please pay attention and really do something about it.
My girls were so excited to see uncle Alan and they witnessed the cruelty of life when this nice uncle, for the sake of filling his appetite, slaughtered the crabs. "What a weird man who eats such ugly thing", they must be thinking.
I guess this is the first time they have such close encounter with the creature - one of them still alive, so I let it crawl on my kitchen floor.
By the way, this is also the first time they've eaten crabs. Shanice loves the dish though it is spicy. I am surprised by her love at 1st sight (or rather 1st mouthful). She had to drink lots of water while eating this spicy dish. She complained that the dish was hot but she kept asking for more.
I must say my family members are foodies and all of us love to cook. My bro kept his word and it turned out to be a tasty treat. I know I should not eat crab cox I had a C-section recently but I just can't help myself seeing good food laid in front of me...
By the way, this is also the first time they've eaten crabs. Shanice loves the dish though it is spicy. I am surprised by her love at 1st sight (or rather 1st mouthful). She had to drink lots of water while eating this spicy dish. She complained that the dish was hot but she kept asking for more.
I must say my family members are foodies and all of us love to cook. My bro kept his word and it turned out to be a tasty treat. I know I should not eat crab cox I had a C-section recently but I just can't help myself seeing good food laid in front of me...
I'm clili crab fans, but the black pepper crab look so yummy, must try 1 day.
U should try cooking this and buy the crab from Shing Siong. Their crab are fresh, big and price is very reasonable.
The tricks that my brother did was he "dust" the crab with corn starch and deep fry them. After that you need to use dry wok and frying them with some freshly crushed black peppercorn and salt, finally add the ready make black sauce cover with lid, let the heat do the work... the crab was ready in no time.
Hi Shira,
I came across your blog and have noticed that you have had trouble making breads. This is a great recipe for a coffee cake type of bread that is really delicious and kids love it!
It is really pretty easy to make, the most important part is making sure that there is a nice warm place for the dough to rise (or you can even leave it in the fridge overnight, there is so much sugar in the recipe that it should even rise in the cold!) and that you knead it until it is springy (if you pull up a pinch it should spring back to where it was).
I made dough and topping as directed and then used non stick spray on the pan and sprinkled a little cinnamon sugar on the bottom before adding the dough, then sprinkled more cinnamon sugar over the top and added the Streusel topping, yummy! I also added more cinnamon... I like 'em really cinnamoney!
Sweet Kuchen Dough:
1 package active dry yeast
1/4 cup warm water
1 3/4 cups lukewarm milk
8 cups flour
1 cup butter, softened
1 cup granulated sugar
4 eggs
1 teaspoon salt
Grated rind of 1/2 lemon
Dissolve yeast in warm water. Add the milk and 1 cup of the flour and set aside to rise in a warm place. Cream the butter, add the sugar and the eggs, one at a time, stirring well after each addition; then add salt, lemon rind, the rest of the flour and yeast mixture, alternately. Mix well and knead until the dough is smooth and elastic (you may need to add another cup or so of flour to make keep it from being too sticky... just add a bit at a time as you knead). Let rise in a warm place until doubled in bulk (I usually turn the oven on for a minute, just until warm, and leave the bowl in there). Cut dough down and form into any desired shapes or pour into a large pan (one of the 13 inch ones); let rise again and bake in moderately hot oven (375 degrees F) until browned about 20 minutes (you can tap on the top and you should hear a hollow sound).
Crumb Topping (Streusel):
1/2 cup flour
2 to 4 tablespoons butter
5 or 6 tablespoons granulated sugar
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
Mix first 4 ingredients by rubbing well with the finger tips, until small crumbs are formed. Add a few chopped or pounded almonds. Sprinkle over any coffee cake that has been brushed with melted butter. You can also add some oatmeal if you want)
I have also made these into little buns stuffed with sausage or other fillings that stick together. This recipe makes a TON so you may want to make only 1/2 if you don't want more coffee cake/buns than you can eat! Good luck and keep trying with the bread... it just takes practice!
Thx for yr tips in bread making. Don't have time to make bread lately coz still busy caring for my new born. Hope to try this out in near future.
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