Shanice is in love with Ebiko Sushi. She likes eating seaweed very much ....... and the crunchiness of the roe .... yummy!! It is time for me to learn how to make sushi in order to cut cost. It cost S$2 to buy 3pcs from Giant or Cold Storage supermarket. She can eat 6 at one go...
Read some cook book but find the "start up" cost quite high. For example you need to buy the bamboo rolling mat, seaweed, rice (wow, the packet of rice will cost u a bomb... about S$ 10 for 1kg). So I consulted a friend who stayed in Japan for a couple years. She should know how to make it in a more economical way. She often makes this for her son to enjoy, a simple and healthy meal.
Based on her experience, there is no need to use Japanese rice. Just cook normal Thai rice with more water. Expect less sticky texture though, but I am fine with that. For every 2 and 1/2 cup of "New Moon new crop rice", I use 4 table spoon of vinegar, 1 tea spoon of salt, 3 tea spoon of sugar and mix it well and pour into the freshly cooked hot rice and stir well. Once the rice cool down, you can start making your sushi.
The best part is that she taught me how to use those rectangular plastic bags (those that you use in supermarkets for fruits or meats) if you don't have a bamboo rolling mat. Well, another good tip to cut cost.
Making sushi is something fun and flexible as you can choose whatever fillings/toppings you could think of. It is indeed a good bonding session with your young kids. I choose to have tuna and ebiko coz all my kids and myself can't take raw food at this point.
The part that I need to improve on is my skill of rolling sushi and also wrapping the seaweed on the rice ball. I make quite a lot this time round but my family finish them within minutes. Will make more this Fri coz some friends are coming for a visit. Thanks for Tee san's tips!
P.S. Shanice was too hungry to wait for mommy to make the sushi one by one. So to feed this little "hungry ghost", I just scoop out some rice, cut the seaweed into small pieces and put in the ebiko and do a final touch of some sesame. Da Da!! Here comes a ebiko bento. She finished 2 bowls in record time... raising kids is not so easy...

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