This cake cost HK$ 180. My brother bought it from a small cake shop located in the eastern part of HK island (Chai Wan). It is run by a pastry chef who worked with many famous hotels before.
It is costly as this cake only weights about 500gm or less, but my verdict: worth paying.
At first taste, it surprised me with its rich mango flavour and the very smooth texture. I thought it is a mango mousse cake because it is a non-baked cake with very yellowish colour. As you eat on, you'll think maybe they used mascarpone cheese as normal mousse cake never gives u this kind of silky texture. Its smooth texture really helps enhance the substance of the cake. Big mango cubes are used in the filling too. The decoration its simple and elegant too. It is a simple delight. Only one comment... I always like cakes with crust crispy texture but this is a little soggy.
I may try to make this cake. Let's see if I'm right about the ingredient...
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