25 August, 2008
Mango Cheese Cake

Multi Tasked Baby
Shannea is a cheerful and playful baby. While we're there, she could skip her meals and focused on only 1 thing: PLAY. At times, she only took, say, 1 sausage for her dinner. As I knew she'd recuperate well when she's back home, so I took it easy and just gave her as much milk as she wanted.
Below is a video clip taken after a 2-hour swim when we had our afternoon tea. While my nephew helped to feed her, Shannea was so tired and hungry and she decided to meet both desires at the same time. She struggled to finish a bowl of noodle while she tried to catch some sleep. It was really funny but my hubby thought it kinda cruel... Oops!! Caught red handed in a child abuse case.
07 August, 2008
Bento Set Lunch
A friend of mine ordered some bento lunch sets on 2 consecutive days. So I thought this would be a good opportunity to test out my process flow on how to produce 16 bento sets within 1 and half hour each day.
I proposed beef stew and chicken chop for day one. On day 2, they will have chicken stew and Pork chop. I cooked beef stew a day ahead. With some help from my helper like cutting potato, carrot, chopping garlic, I thought it would easy.
I discover that as I take on different assignments from friends, I learn different lessons along the way. One critical area is time management and planning skill. It is very important to set aside time to plan for your recipe and jot down ingredient and plan out exactly how you are going to execute each and every step involved. Without this, your time estimation to complete the task will go badly off target. This is especially critical if you need to adhere to fixed delivery time - for this case, lunch hour at 12.
Making money out of it is not the main concern for these assignments although I have to commit a lot of "overtime" in my kitchen and it is tough working in the kitchen. I never regret taking on any of these assignments. They help me discover my love for cooking and my passion towards cooking just grow stronger each time. Every new recipe has its own uniqueness and there is infinite creativity in exploring and presenting it.
I have one regret though: I discover this passion a little too late or I could have seriously thought of taking this as my profession and career.
05 August, 2008
Chocolate Macaroon (Attempt 1)

01 August, 2008
Egg Cheese Bacon Pasta