This is my 2nd blog. My last one failed as I didn't really keep it up cox I don't like the name - chan-mari-chan. So here I'm with a better name rather than chan-mari-chan. Start with a new series of cooking journal mainly for myself to keep track of what I've baked so far. This was inspired by Florence (thanks to you). http://wlteef.blogspot.com/ found out her blog before Chinese new year. I'm looking forward to see her new baking creation whenever I'm online since then.
I started baking and cooking since 2005 (though I like to cook since young, it was with many year cultivation fm my mum). However, I became seriously interested in it only when I was having my confinement at beginning 2006. I watched many Jamie Oliver cooking TV series then and realised cooking could be fun too. Also with my newly renovated kitchen (fully equipped with a full size confection oven) ... I started, even with my hectic working and family commitment. I still find that my kitchen is a place to "relax". I mean you may find it weird, but stepping into the kitchen really helps me not think of anything else but just focus to cook or bake some good food.
So as a start, I want to share my failure, which happens all the time, so don't give up. Florence has shared a golden bread by using 65°C TangZhong. The end results look fine but the skin was thick and turn hard after it cool down. I like the soft texture inside the bun though and I've turned some plain bun into "pork floss bun" (my girls have less expectation and love it anyway) which is a very famous creation from Breadtalk (not sure if I've violated any piracy).
I took some photos... and remember don't give up. I'll try again tomorrow!
Hi, saw your post in Florence's comment. Congratulations to your new blog. :)
Thx for your encouragement. Do u have one for yourself?
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