Chicken Wing stew in dark soya sauce
Slice Pork and Bacon pasta with Tomato sauce
I like to cook. Well, not the kind with 3 dishes and 1 soup. My domestic helper prepares these most of the time. I usually cook on weekends and mostly with 1 dish kind of food. For example, porridge, fry rice, beef stew, fried Udon and some HK local snacks.
Last Fri I fried Bee Hoon and made Chicken Wings for dinner. This kind of food takes less than half an hour to cook, so it is really simple.
I like pasta too, whether it is with tomato sauce or cream sauce. It is costly to eat from restaurants. To me it is expensive if the dish costs more than S$8. Also they don't really give u good quality. So usually I cook from home and hardly order these dishes outside. I'll only try when I have buffet dinner/lunch when they have a chef there who specially cooks for you. I cook the sauce from scratch and I seldom use canned sauce or ready made bottle sauce. You can twist and turn the ingredients to your own liking. Good to match Seafood, sliced pork or mushroom and bacon. These could give you perfect match sometimes.